Have you noticed that you might be suffering from inflamed eyelids, also called blepharitis? It's a commonly occurring eyelid inflammation, sometimes linked to a bacterial eye infection, certain sorts of skin conditions, or dry eyes.
Generally, symptoms include redness, itching, burning, a gritty sensation in the eye, tearing and crusting around the eye. It can actually be hard to treat, as it's chronic.
It's helpful to know, however, that there are numerous options available to deal with blepharitis and make sure your eyes stay clean and healthy. Firstly, apply a warm compress, such as a washcloth, to your closed eyelid to facilitate loosening the crust that may have formed on your eyelids and eyelashes before you begin the washing process. The warmth from the compress will also help dislodge any clogged residue in your eyelids' oil secreting glands. At the start of your treatment, you will probably need to use the compress several times a day for approximately 5 minutes. Later on, you can use the compress one time per day, just for a few minutes.
This cleaning process is fundamental to blepharitis treatment, so it's best to use a proper lid cleanser or whatever product your optometrist recommends. You want to carefully massage the outside of your eyelids and all residue should be rinsed off after the cleansing process.
Although unpleasant, blepharitis is not contagious and for the most part, doesn't cause any permanent damage to your eyesight, so speak to your optometrist about eyelid hygiene, to make sure your lids are clean and healthy.