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Cataracts: Common but Treatable

In the United States, this month is Cataract Awareness Month. Have you been informed that cataracts are the most common reason behind vision loss among patients who are over 55 years old? Actually, more than fifty percent of all North Americans aged 65 and older have some degree of cataract development.

So what exactly is a cataract? A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye, which obstructs or alters the passage of light into the eye. Cataracts are an expected side effect of aging. Additional dangers for developing a cataract include intense heat or ongoing exposure to the sun's UV rays, obesity, diabetes, family medical history, cigarettes and various eye injuries.

Throughout the early stages of cataract development, more efficient lights and eyewear may be used to lessen the vision issues you might experience. At some point, however, a surgical procedure may be required to improve your vision. It's worth nothing that more than 90 percent of patients who have cataract surgery reacquire strong sight.

If you are at risk for cataracts and perceiving cloudy sight, the time has come to discuss cataracts with your eye care professional. Cataracts are treatable, and we know you want to see well throughout your golden years.